Bridging Learning Theory, Instruction, and Technology has allowed me to discover new technology possibilities that I could bring to the classroom. I have also had the opportunity to learn new ideas on ways to integrate technology with the help of my classmates and professor. I have learned about the importance of preparing students for their future in this technology dependent society.
The Personal Theory of Learning that I developed during the first week of this course, I believe, still successfully represents my beliefs as an early childhood educator. Learning is a social activity. Students should be interacting, sharing ideas, and learning from each other. With this said, students should be the ones enveloped in technology. After analyzing the use of the Smartboard during the day, I have realized that I spend the majority of the time interacting and working through problems or work. It is my hope that I can transfer this responsibility to my students and have them more involved in the explanation part of assignments or class discussions.
An adjustment I would like to make to my instructional practice regarding technology integration would be to allow students more opportunity to work one-on-one with different technology tools. This method may take more time during the day, but overall well worth it. Students need to be given these opportunities at school because some may not have access at home. Two tools I would like to use with my students would be spread sheets and Voice Thread. Spread sheets would allow students to be able to organize their thoughts in a visual table or chart. Voice Thread would allow students to take their written work a step further by using their stories as a script where they can choose images to represent their ideas.
Two long term goals:
1. Include at least one form of technology integration each day for instructional purposes.
• Assign a technology tool for each day of the week – Monday: Smartboard; Tuesday: Wiki. Students would be able to learn the ins and outs easier and would be able to receive one-on-one assistance as it would be used in class discussions or demonstrations.
2. Use a variety of technology. (Currently I am mainly using a Smartboard and have not integrated a lot of variation in technological tools.)
• Give students a checklist of products that they would complete over the courseof the year – use a word document, wiki, Voice Thread, spreadsheet. Students would be able to choose a tool to illustrate a project but must complete the entire checklist by the end of the year.