Previously, most technology use in the classroom was done via the Smartboard. I never thought of incorporating blogs, wikis, or podcasts into classroom activities. Students were excited about using the Smartboard to learn and it was a chance for them to interact with a new form of technology. On occasion, students did use our classroom computers to play educational games or to practice reading skills. With the help of this class, Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society, I am more prepared to integrate the use of blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other technologies into my classroom. With little adjustment to lessons, students can learn to utilize these new forms of communication that will be beneficial to them when they enter the working world. It is amazing to see how well students can adapt to these technologies once they are given the proper guidelines and instruction.
I am now more aware of how important it is for students to have access to technology in the classroom. A lot of my students do not have working computers at home and lack the interaction they will need in order to be successful in today’s society. It is my responsibility to allow students the opportunity to practice their 21st century skills using the newest forms of technology. I will continue to read news articles that provide information on new technology as well as tips and activities for some of the technologies we are currently using. I will also begin a classroom wiki and/or blog site. I will begin teaching my students the basic navigation skills and guidelines for successfully completing activities or assignments. By keeping current with today’s technologies and ways to integrate them into lessons, I will support student achievement.
One goal I would like to accomplish is to set up a classroom blog. This would be a site that would contain the weekly outline of activities going on in the classroom, daily homework reminders, and any activities students contribute based on different lessons. To accomplish this, I will first teach my students how to use a blog and practice posting and gathering images to put on the blog. I will then begin to integrate the use of blogs into daily lessons where students will have the opportunity to work in groups and individually to contribute to our site.
The second goal I would like to set is to place more emphasis on practicing key 21st century skills. Some skills that my students would benefit from are communication skills and critical thinking skills. When my students run into a conflict or are not getting along with one another, they immediately come to me for support. I would like to teach them the necessary skills for trying to resolve the issue on their own. If the skills I teach them do not work, then I would encourage them to come to me. It is important for my students to develop and understand how they can communicate effectively with one another whether it is via Internet or in person. I would also like my students to strengthen their critical thinking skills. Far too often, students give up on what looks to be a difficult task or assignment. I want to push them, especially with their abilities with technology, to really think outside of the box and to analyze different possibilities. Students need to believe in themselves and support their creativity. By incorporating activities that use 21st century skills, students will be able to practice and become more confident when communicating in today’s society.